This is actually a great idea, but the idiots who packaged it created a ton of creases that are obvious once applied to the window and make it look like old window tinting that's coming off.If they simply rolled the sheet up and sold it in a tube, we would not have this problem.
Aside from this major negative, this is a great solution if you want to be able to roll the window down with the shade on it.You can also cut it up into shapes/sizes to custom fit your window.
Based on other reviews, I think a lot of people don't know how to install this correctly (blame it on the vague directions that come in the box).So I am copying another reviewer's tips on installing from a similar product's page.If you follow these tips, it should be a breeze (though don't expect the creases to go away):
Here's what you do...
1. Clean the window to remove any dust and lint.
2. Remove the cling from package and avoid too many finger prints on it. Also, try not to place it on your car seats or anywhere that it can pick up dust/lint.
3. Spray a light mist of glass cleaner on your window.
4. "Float" the cling on the wet surface until you get it where you want it.
5. Using an old credit card, work any bubbles/liquid out from the center of the cling towards the edges. Be careful to do this gently and slowly so that the card doesn't catch on the plastic and make a kink.
6. Use paper towels to soak up glass cleaner as it seeps out from the edges.
7. If you have any stubborn areas, lift the cling away from the glass, spray more cleaner, and repeat steps 5-6.

Sticks well to windows
Comes with 2 big pieces in each box
Able to roll down window with it on
It's basically a removable car tint
It doesn't fit the whole back window, the existence of both tint and un-tinted region makes it a little confusing for the driver when they need to look to change lane.
Negative reviews on the retractable shades convinced me to buy this one. I would've preferred a tint that blocks out a little more sun.
Buy Safety 1st Cling Sunshade 21" wide Now
My sister and I both own these window shades.
1. Creases in film
NEITHER of us had an issue with folds/creases in the film.Yes, they come folded up, but warmth smooths the creases, and they completely go away.
2. Ease of application
Yes, clean the window first.Of course the film doesn't automatically lie flat and bubbles remain.Simply use a credit card or other similar surface edge to smooth out most bubbles.I wouldn't have expected this to be like window tinting.I didn't purchase window tinting...
3. Size
One film almost completely covers a small window, but it does not cover the entire back windshield.This shouldn't surprise anyone given the dimensions of the film.
4. Aesthetics
Of course these are not fabulously attractive you've chosen to put a piece of film on your window that doesn't completely cover it!I DO THINK they are MUCH MORE attractive than the roller shades.I searched and searched to find anything less ridiculous than roller shades.These provide a more chic look (as chic as you can get with a piece of film...).
5. Value
Seriously, these are incredibly cheap, work well, are the "least worst" in appearance (in my opinion).I highly recommend them if you are otherwise not inclined to buy super dark window tinting and think roller shades or those with Disney characters are silly looking. :-)
Read Best Reviews of Safety 1st Cling Sunshade 21" wide Here
These sun shades are atrocious because they don't stick as well leaving air bubbles plus they are hard to see through (in the blind spot) while changing lanes.
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I needed something cheaper that would stay stuck to the window as I kept hearing how the ones that suction cup onto the window fall off frequently and/or your child will pull it off.This works perfect for what I need right now. I have a subaru forester and put one on each of the side windows. It doesnt cover it all, but it was the largest I could find in my price range and it does a good jobprobably covers 80% of the window. I like that it sticks well to the window and you can put the window up and down without the shade coming undone. I put them on 3 months ago, and they are no where near coming off.I think they will be staying on until I take them off. They do a GREAT job of keeping the sun off my daughter and actually help to cool the car a bit.
I read the reviews and knew it came in a small box all folded up and wrinkled.Reviewers said to use a blow dryer to get the wrinkles out. Here I am trying to blow dry these out with a 1 month old baby. Yea, not happening. I just layed them out flat for two days.Wrinkles were still there when I applied them, but when applied correctly, the wrinkles come right out. The best review I read was how to apply these correctly:
1. Clean your window with windex. (or something similiar).
2. Spray a thin film of windex (or I imagine water would do just fine) on the window and carefully apply the shade. The windex helps to "float" the shade on the window as you work to even it out. Might take a few attempts to get it even and straight.
3. Then starting from the middle and going out, use a credit card to smooth the shade onto the window and get all of the bubbles out. Keep a rag handy to catch the windex that comes out when you smooth it out.
So this isnt a perfect shade as it has its flaws, but I researched these shades heavily and I couldnt find anything out there that was perfect. So the flaws: one of my shades was not cut correctly at the company who sent them to me and therefore, no matter what way I put it on, its crooked (what you get for the cheaper price). I also could not get all of the bubbles out, but enough to where you really cant see them that much. And it doesnt cover the whole window. But again, I couldnt find any that were bigger within my price range.
All in all, the shade keeps the sun off my daughter, and thats its main job, so Im happy. I think the quality is actually great considering the price. If you are really worried about how it looks on your car, this may not be for you.Or buy multiple ones in case you get a piece thats cut crooked like mine!
Overall, I recommend this shade as its postives outweigh the negatives!
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