Peter Thomas Roth Unwrinkle Makeup-Less Tinted Moisturizer SPF 30 Facial Treatment Products

Peter Thomas Roth Un-Wrinkle® Makeup-Less Chemical Free SPF 30 NEWNon-Chemical Free Version:

I'm not sure how it is a tinted sunblock, I don't see the tint on the skin at all.

I was hoping to use it instead of make-up, but there is NO coverage at all.

It didn't do anything for shine, either.

I've used tinted moisturizers with SPF before and they had some make-up coverage to them, which was really nice.

With this, you still have to wear make-up over it.

I wouldn't buy it again, I would try something else.

Pro: It is a sunblock and it does provide some coverage for pores.

HINT: Just buy a quality sunblock for the face that controls shine.

Chemical-Free Formula: I like this better than the regular formula, it spreads more easily.

But you must have some type of tan to wear it, otherwise you will look orange-ish

This moisturizes better than most sunscreens but not as well as my daily moisturizer. I love the SPF 30. I like the texture and how easily it blends in. Coverage is light but it suits my very fair skin as well as my sister's olive skin. Surprising.

I love it as a timesvaer when I need to get out the door quickly but don't want to go bare-faced. Gosh that's just about every day!

Buy Peter Thomas Roth Unwrinkle Makeup-Less Tinted Moisturizer SPF 30 Facial Treatment Products Now

**UPDATE 4/2012** New formula now uses chemical block for sunscreen I did not realize until I repurchased and wondered about the "odd" smell and texture. I threw it out. bleah.

I find this to be easy to use and use it daily. Moisturizes very well, especially for my dry skin. I dust face powder lightly over it to take care of shine, after letting it seep into my face for a minute or two. The tint is natural and looks great on my olive skin. My face feels comfortable and looks good all day long. Peptides and chemical-free sunblock oh boy! I love this stuff! Seems to look better as the day wears on. It does not settle into my fine lines. Recommend it, but easy enough to sample first at Sephora and see if it suits your face. This is what I did. The tube lasts a long time, too.

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