Skin Success Eventone Fade Cream, Regular - 2.7 oz

Skin Success Eventone Fade Cream, Regular - 2.7 ozI have used this product and it works. I don't know about you, but I believe in researching products prior to making purchases. I read lots of reviews and learned not all reviews are equal. Sometimes you have to read between the lines. I don't know about you but I like reviews to be thorough which is why I am added so much information on mine. I hate reviews which state a product did not work and they include information that lets you know they did NOT follow directions or consistently use the product.

In the case of this product you don't use this all over your face if your issue is a particular area. You are suppose to use a sunscreen of at least spf 15 AND avoid sun if you can when using this product. You are suppose to use it EVERYDAY! If you don't you may not get your desired results. If you are extremely dark, you will have limited and possibly no results. Obviously you must be consistent and patient if you want results. You are suppose to continue occassional use once results are achieved. Get my point? READ THE DARN JAR, lol. So please be wary of reviews and read between the lines to see if it is a valuable review to base your purchase on. I am not saying anyone who says a product didn't work for them is wrong. I am just saying make sure they are telling you the whole story to ensure you are getting enough information to make an educated decision.

I am a dark skinned African American woman. I would compare my complexion to actress Gabrielle Union. I have used this product for my uneven skin tone. The bottom of my face on the side of my mouth tends to be darker than the other 80 percent of my face. I have used this product in the past with results and then I stop. Of course when I do, the uneven tone eventually makes it way back. I am back to using it. It's been only about 2 weeks and I see a little improvement already. This time I am using it in conjuction with african black soap (also sold on amazon) and my MK moisturizer w/ spf. This combo seems to make my skin incredible soft and with a glow as well.

I plan to continue with this product along with the black soap so my skin evens out so I can just use a tinted moisturizer (with spf 15!) this summer. With the results I have seen so far, I am confident I will achieve this goal.

This fade cream works great for me. As with any product that contains hydroquinone, you have to be patient, and i have used several products from over the counter to dermatologist's prescription. I trust this brand, because i have used other Palmer's products, like the cocoa butter, as well as, the acne eventone rescue kit. You should see some results in about a month, but for more noticeable results, it will take 6-8 weeks. Remember to keep sun exposure, especially without sunscreen to a minimum, or you defeat the results. Use spf 15 or higher. It does say that it has sunscreen in it, but it does not say how much, so i would go ahead and use a seperate sunscreen. I use spf 30. If your skin is dark, it does say that results may not be noticeable. Not sure how dark this means though. My skin is a tan/caramel color, and it works wonderfully. Remember, patience patience patience!!

Buy Skin Success Eventone Fade Cream, Regular - 2.7 oz Now

I decided to write a review because I use this fade cream. I started noticing results within the first week or less for me.I have to admit reading 3 months to see results bothered me a great deal but I don't have to wait more then 1-2 weeks to get the results for an even skin tone. I'm happy I purchased this product and sorry to the ones who had no luck with this cream.

Read Best Reviews of Skin Success Eventone Fade Cream, Regular - 2.7 oz Here

I've already have this product and ordered it in January. I decided to come online and write about how well its working and I plan to order more soon! I am a dark skinned african american women and have had discoloration on my face for years until I began to use this product. I only use this product, suncreen, along with carbolic soap and have seen a DRASTIC improvement. I was scared this would burn my skin or make me itch because I suffer from eczema and tend to have sensitive skin but no problems whatsoever! :)

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If I could, I would give this product 10 Stars! I had a severe burn on my neck and chest from a curling iron incident don't ask...The scars seen by the burn made me a bit nervous because I am preparing for my wedding and knew that scars on my neck and chest would not be very attractive. Long story short, I used Neosporin to heal the burn for exactly 5 days. As the burn was healing, the scars were very apparent. I purchased the Palmer's Fade Cream from the drugstore and begin using on the 6th day of my burning incident. I begin to notice a change within 3 days. Within a week, my burn scars were almost completely gone...really barely anything visible.. Warning You must use this product as directed. I used it more often than directed and a rash came about my fault.

I am an african american woman and I did use this product on a fresh scar so I am not sure how effective it will be on an old scar or age spots. I am very careful of using different products on my skin as it is extremely sensitive and temperamental so for me to be able to have this product be so successful was both surprising and exciting. I am now using it on an older scar and it seems to be working but I will keep you posted.


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