L'Oreal Paris Go 360 Clean, Deep Cream Cleanser, 6-Fluid Ounce

L'Oreal Paris Go 360 Clean, Deep Cream Cleanser, 6-Fluid OunceI do not recommend this product for anyone with mild or severe acne. I suffer from mild acne in the winter and decided to try this new product. The first time I used it was during a mild break out and I woke up the days after using it at night with 3+ blemishes coming in until I finally decided to go back to my trusted cetaphil.

The second time I used it I had been on the antibiotic minocycline for just over a month and was starting to clear up beautifully but then I made the mistake of using it again. I woke up the following day with, again, 3+ blemishes. The odd thing is that I generally break out on my chin and after using this product I would wake up with blemishes on my cheeks as well.

Bottom line, it feels nice but it's not worth the breakouts.

I think this is a great cleanser. Everybody's skin is different so I am speaking in reference to the type of skin I have which is very oily but with very few blemishes and breakouts. I think this cleanser is great because as soon as I use it I feel my skin tingling and thats how I know its working. The pop out disk scrubber the product comes with is also a plus to help give you that deeper clean feeling. Once I wash the cleanser off, my face feels so refreshed, and I love it. I would say go ahead and give the product a try but I think if you have sensitive skin it might be just a little too strong for you.

Buy L'Oreal Paris Go 360 Clean, Deep Cream Cleanser, 6-Fluid Ounce Now

This is a really great product if you have oily skin. And wear makeup daily. Not recommended for all skin types as most skin products are not for everyone. This leaves your skin with a nice clean tingly feeling and removes ALL makeup. I would use this one for evening use only, because overuse of any product strips your skin of natural oils, which can cause Acne.I do like this product as it is not overly fragrance d. just very simple and clean. hope it sticks around for a while :)

Read Best Reviews of L'Oreal Paris Go 360 Clean, Deep Cream Cleanser, 6-Fluid Ounce Here

I have oily/normal skin that tends to breakouts, and I really like this product.And bonus, it was in the clearance bin at my local grocery store so I was able to buy it for $1.24.I'm actually going to return to stock up.That said, fans of this product, don't get too attached--not sure if it will continue to be available in the future.

I was initially worried that a "deep cream" cleanser would cause me to breakout, but actually, my skin is blemish-free after using it and looks good.Later, I looked online and it does say that it is oil-free and contains salicylic acid, and I was relieved to hear that.

The things I like about this product are the pleasant smell, the slight tingling as a result of the menthol, and the scrublet (love it!).The scrublet provides good exfoliation, and it doesn't require frequent laundering like a washcloth.Also, I didn't have any problems with this cleaner overdrying my skin, and my skin feels soft.Finally, it does a very good job of removing makeup.All in all, I am quite pleased.

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Okey so I bought mine in Duane Reade, then came back and read reviews. I was really scared I was going to be allergic or something too from all the negative reviews.

But surprisingly i didn't. The first 2-3 times I used it, my face did in fact become dry and started peeling n it looked embarassing. BUT, I've come to the conclusion that this is happening because you are cleansing your face. If you stick with the product, the peeling goes away when all of the dead skin is gone. I use it in mornings cause it has a nice refreshing kick to it and helps me wake up. And to avoid dry skin, I strongly recommend immediately after washing your face, put on moisturizing lotion. This way your skin is not dried up but feeling nice and smooth. I've been using it for a couple weeks now, and nothing bad's happening. I love it. and compared to other similar cleansing/scrubbing products like nutrogena's little electronic device thing, this one is way cheaper and essentially does the same job.


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