6pk - Madre Perla - Bleach Cream - Blanqueadora

6pk - Madre Perla - Bleach Cream - BlanqueadoraI have tan/brown skin with yellowish undertones and hyperpigment much too easily. I've tried countless methods to reduce the residual hyperpigmentation on my skin from acne and other skin issues. These methods seemed to help a little, but their effectiveness quickly tapered off, and any lightening they produced was minimal at best. I'd been feeling so hopeless about the state of my skin, yet, not expecting much from this product, I decided to give it a try since it was so affordable, and the reviews from other sites were overwhelmingly positive. I just applied a thick layer, massaging it in vigorously with some remaining on the skin surface and wrapped the areas in plastic cling wrap (not sure if it helps with this, but at least I don't get the cream everywhere). I left it on for a few hours--just the first time--since then, maybe 10 minutes to 1 hour depending on my schedule. Astonishingly, after the first use, I saw noticeable clarity and brightness in my skin. I used it on my face, scars on my legs and arms, and abdomen.

The cream itself is a bit gritty, not very cream-like, so rubbing it into the dark areas definitely helped exfoliate. It's worth pointing out that I regularly (daily) exfoliate my entire body and have never seen the brightness this cream achieved within a few hours. The hyperpigmentation has not completely subsided, but I have only been using this 1-3 times a week and often for less than the recommended amount of time, and I still have seen marked improvement. I no longer have to spend hours getting the shading right on the coverup for my body scars, which is next to impossible with varying lighting everywhere. They can easily be covered now if necessary, as they are drastically less noticeable.

Additionally, I highly recommend using led light therapy, which I recently have started using followed by this cream. I think you can purchase a decent quality led bulb that meets the specifications ( mainly...Green: approximately 525 nanometers ::: Red: approximately 660 nanometers ::: Blue (for acne) ~415 nm) and still achieve the same results as the expensive devices available now. I'm still figuring it out.Ever since I purchased a red led light therapy device and thought to try it on my scaring, the melanin seems to be dispersing at an exponential rate. It is worth every penny if you are as distressed as I was. I'm going to try the green light too for my hyperpigmentation. I apply the cream after the treatment for maximum effect and absorption. I only wish I had come across these options much earlier.


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