When I was 16 years old, I was observing my Aunt(then in her 50's)put on her morning face cream.I noticed she had hardly any lines on her face making her look about 40. I asked what she was using and she showed me this little container with SEBAMED written on it. She swore up and down that this cream, which she applied religiously every morning and sometimes at night, was the reason her skin was still so beautiful.I figured she must know what she was talking about as she had modeled many years for Macy's in the 1950's, and was very conscientious about her looks.I asked her where she got it from and she told me it was only available in Germany. I silently swore I would find it on my own one day and began my search. Several years later, with the coming of the internet, I found it at a Chicago apothocary that specialized in German imports. I have been using it ever since and am now in my thirties. Women & men approach me all the time and ask what I use for a moisterizer. I even have salespeople from Mary Kay and Avon ask what I do to have such a wonderful complexion. I can honestly tell you my skin texture is nearly identical to what it was when I was in high school. No crow's feet, no mouth lines, no nothing!! I am thrilled to see this cream finally on Amazon.com.

I've spent a fortune trying department store and internet moisturizers and anti-aging products. I am so happy that my search is over finally and I did not expect a very inexpensive product to solve my skin issues. My extremely sensitive, dry and acne prone skin began to worsen when I turned 41. It made me so depressed especially since I also developed eczema particularly on very low humidity days in the valley. This product was a Godsend. I saw improvement after day 1 of use and I'm not exaggerating. I don't typically write reviews on Amazon but I felt I owe something to the company that literally saved my skin and my wallet. I will try other Sebamed products since I'm truly very impressed.
Buy Sebamed Moisturing Cream, Sensitive Skin, 2.6-Ounce Now
A friend of mine recommended me this along with the face wash. Very mild and low in scent, but makes skin so soft and smooth. Worth buying if you are still confused about face creams.
Read Best Reviews of Sebamed Moisturing Cream, Sensitive Skin, 2.6-Ounce Here
I've had oily-to-mixed, acne-prone skin all my life. Living many years here in an arid climate where the dryness and strong sunshine take a toll on our facial skin, I was always told by dermatologists to use moisturizers especially on the dryer areas of my face.
Over the years, I've tried countless moisturizers that are supposed to be hypoallergenic, noncomedogenic, for sensitive skin, etc. However, they were either worthless as moisturizers, or more commonly they caused my skin to break out in blemishes. Then I tried this cream, as a nighttime moisturizer, and I'm delighted. It absorbs, feels nice, seems to help ward off dryness and tightness and no breakouts.
I'm sold, and I'm delighted to find it here on amazon.
Want Sebamed Moisturing Cream, Sensitive Skin, 2.6-Ounce Discount?
Both my daugther and I love this cream. My daugther has super sensitive skin, and we have been spending a fortune on special Clinique products (Redness Solutions series) since that was the only thing her skin would tolerate. Then we stumbled upon the Sebamed products and have used them ever since. Will recommend highly both for quality and price.
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