2012 Pro Tan Thats Hot Wildly Sexy Hot Bronzing Creamy Oil 9.5oz

2012 Pro Tan Thats Hot Wildly Sexy Hot Bronzing Creamy Oil 9.5ozI love "That's Hot" creamy bronzing oil!

I bought it from my local tanning salon back when I was in HS, I used it all up and absolutely loved it!

They didn't have anymore in stock so I had to switch.

Since I am getting back into tanning now, I decided that I LOVED it and HAD to use it again!

I was SO excited when I found out that it was way cheap on Amazon.

I absolutely love this tanning lotion. It gets you hot (but not too hot) and brings your tan out instantly!

Youre red when you get out of the tanning bed, but that is what any hot bronzer will do for you.

I love that it is a creamy oil instead of a lotion, and that it doesnt go on too thick.

I dont really notice any smell to it.

But all I can say is that i give it 5 stars and 100% satisfaction rate.


I looooove tinglers, i love the way it makes me feel and i love when my skin gets hot and red like a lobster however...this wasn't an enjoyable tingle....it felt like a brush burn over my whole body...i was literally whimpering in the bed and had to get out after 15mins....and to top it off it didn't improve my tan and the bronzers are at a minimum plus i smell like burnt skin...yuck! look else where....like sweedish beauty ultimate dare

Buy 2012 Pro Tan Thats Hot Wildly Sexy Hot Bronzing Creamy Oil 9.5oz Now


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