L'Oreal Paris Go 360 Clean Deep Facial Cleanser, 6-Fluid Ounce

L'Oreal Paris Go 360 Clean, Deep Facial Cleanser for Sensitive Skin, 6-Fluid OunceHi,

I bought this product from Walmart after I ran out of my previous Neutrogena acne face wash. I thought this product was reasonably priced for its size. I had trouble determining which one of the Go 360 Cleans I should buy and in the end decided to go for the white and pink bottle for sensitive skin. I had very low expectations from this product as I have tried numerous acne products in the past.

Before I proceed further, let me give you an idea of what my skin is like. I have acne prone skin with acne, acne marks and some scars. I have an oily T zone but my cheeks tend to dry out due to the use of salicylic acid products.

I have now had this product for over a month and I LOVE IT! It is perfect for my skin. It gives a consistent even clean with a nice clean feeling. It has significantly reduced my blackheads. I also feel that it has reduced the size of pores by a trace amount. It has reduced my breakouts and acne a lot. I was not expecting miracles from a 6 dollar bottle, but this product has exceeded my expectations.

The product does make the skin feel dry after consistent use for sometime. So that is something to consider if you have dry skin. I have combination skin and I use it consistently. I use a oil-free moisturizer and sunscreen after this and it prevents my skin from drying up. I have also tried using the scrublet with some other acne face wash I had at home and it worked well. So, you could also use the scrublet with some other face wash you that you like.

I would recommend this product to anyone with acne/oily/combination skin. For dry skin I would recommend using this over summer/using with a moisturizer/or using it sporadically instead of every day. This is because the scrublet causes the face wash to foam and the skin to dry a little.

Give nice clean feeling.

Love this for several reasons...

When I'm done, I feel my face really does feel clean.It has an almost minty feel, then when you hit it with toner WOW!Will wake you right up.

Doesn't take much to use.

The "scrublet" feels like it's really helping the cleanser do its job; it rinses clean in seconds; it attaches to the bottle, so you always have the cleaner and scrublet together; PLUS you get a brand new one every time you get a new bottle.

The only thing I would change about the product is:

The bottles aren't clear as to what cleaner should be used on what kind of skin.

It should come in a body wash!

Buy L'Oreal Paris Go 360 Clean Deep Facial Cleanser, 6-Fluid Ounce Now

I bought this product at Wal*Mart about two weeks ago. My first time using it proved this product worthy for me. My face was instantly smoother and I noticed smaller pores. It definitely cleans my face and makes it softer. It smells good and the cleansing pad feels great on my face. I definitely recommend this to people who, like me, have bought products claiming to work but they didn't. The only minor problem is that after using this product my face gets a little dry, but that's nothing a good moisturizer won't fix.

Read Best Reviews of L'Oreal Paris Go 360 Clean Deep Facial Cleanser, 6-Fluid Ounce Here

Let me begin my review by saying that I have had a lot of trouble with acne for the last month or so. I had been using ProActiv for 6 years with amazing success....and from the incredibly muddled, crazy mess of information provided by my now 1 week google searches (lol) it turns out that the main ingredient in Proactiv, Benzoyl Peroxide is awful for you skin, awful for your body and makes the bacteria that causes acne even stronger and eventually immune to said ingredient. (I assume this is basically what happened to me. I'm not a doctor ! ) Anyway, the main point of my week long research was to find a new acne fighting treatment that would perhaps be a more gentle, chemical freeish type product. Needless to say, my search has introduced me to many new products (from eXposed skin care, Murad, Pronexin, Clean Start and so many others, it's insane.) that seemed to either have a lot of "Don't trust these scammers!!" tagged alongside, or they were wicked expensive, or didn't have enough reviews for me to feel good enough to give it a go. One thing I did try, however, was to go to my local WalGreens and check out their selection. There I found Acne Free and L'Oreal Paris go 360 clean deep facial cleanser and decided why not? Cheap enough, no shipping and my useless bottles of Proactiv weren't clearing up my skin any time soon. I used the cleanser and acne free at the same time, so I don't know if that affected how acne free worked for me, but after 3 weeks it was altering patches of my skin complexion and drying me out immensely. (I have oily skin in summer, and fairly dry in winter) It was also making me break out more painful bumps and glaringly red pimples on my head, right cheek and chin. I digress! Back to this face wash :) I noticed that BEFORE I put on Acne Free ( I waited until my face was completely dry after washing ) my face looked tons better; the pores smaller and the existing acne on my face not quite so awful to look upon. I've been off of acne free for 4 days now and my skin is slowly turning back to normal colors and with this face wash my acne is remaining small and so far, no new break outs. I am hoping that with continued use of this face wash, my acne might even go away :) But right now I'm very happy with the fact that my acne looks controlled, my face looks healthy and non shiny (but not too dry) and I feel clean. The scrubber is AWESOME. Hands/wash cloth cannot compare to this scrubber. I sincerely hope this helps SOMEONE out there.... good luck all in the search for a happy and clean face ;)

Want L'Oreal Paris Go 360 Clean Deep Facial Cleanser, 6-Fluid Ounce Discount?

Gosh, I hate to write this!I was so excited to buy this after reading all the positive reviews.I bought it at Walmart yesterday for $4.97.I'm glad it didn't cost very much because I won't be using it and here's why:

1.My face hurts today.Maybe it was from using the scrubber?I don't know. But it hurts.

2.My biggest complaint is actually the perfume.I am sensitive to perfume and it has a very strong scent.I sort of felt like I was rubbing perfume on my face rather than cleaning it!

I know this has lots of great reviews and I am so glad others have enjoyed it.My only warnings would be to be super gentle with the scrubber, and to avoid this if you are sensitive to perfumes.Maybe I got a lemon, who knows :)

I gave it a 3 because obviously it does work for people, it just didn't work for me.That's what skincare is all about, trial and error, no one's skin is exactly the same.


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