Curasol BEC Sunscreen

Curasol BEC SunscreenI was introduced to Curasol after using Curaderm BEC5 from the same company.My skin is very sensitive, and I get rosacea from most facial creams and sunscreens that use chemicals for sunblock.This product works beautifully, and without the chemicals that have been cause for concern for being toxic. I wouldn't normally spend this on a sunscreen, but after using Curasol I can't imagine using anything else. It contains a small amount of BEC5, which gives me added confidence that it is protecting my skin. I'm thrilled to be able to purchase it from a US distributor at a significant cost savings.

I thought the Curasol sunscreen was a natural product.It has natural ingredients, but that's not all.

The ingredients are:

octyl-methoxy cinnamate 75mg

Benzophenone 40mg

Titanium dioxide 14mg

Solasodine glysocides (BEC)

Vitamin E

Tamanu oil

Manuka honey


Diazolidinyl urea 3.5mg

Methyl hydroxybenzoate 1.5mg

Propyl hydroxybenzoate 0.5mg

I did not list the amount of the natural ingredients because it is not on the tube. (it didn't come in a box.)

From website:

Benzophenone is a naturally occurring compound used in flavorings and perfumes. The FDA allows 0.5 ppm in non-alcoholic beverages, 1.70 ppm in candy, and 0.09-0.3% in perfumes, but recommends that the least amount possible for the effect desired be used in formulations, due to its toxicity. At higher concentrations, benzophenone is a contact irritant affecting eyes, skin, and respiratory system. Benzophenone is moderately toxic by ingestion.

Diazolidinyl urea is considered controversial (carcinogenic issue) on

I will be contacting the seller to attempt a return of the unopened product.(sealed tube)

Buy Curasol BEC Sunscreen Now

I have just started using, and so far can see no difference between this and a my old (cheaper) sunscreen.I notice nothing special.

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