Buy Banana Boat Aloe Vera Sun Burn Relief Gel, 16-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 3) Now
Number 2 ingredient is alcohol my 4-year-old son started screaming for 10 minutes straight after using this gel.He did not stop until I gave him a bath and got it off of his skin.Read Best Reviews of Banana Boat Aloe Vera Sun Burn Relief Gel, 16-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 3) Here
First, the bottle advertises 100% aloe, but the first two ingredients are water and alcohol. When you first put it on, you almost start to feel better. Then, a couple seconds later, you're overcome by an itching sensation so unbearable it'll make you want to tear your skin off. I'd stay away from this stuff. I've been using plain old Eucerin for now in place of this junk. It works better.
Want Banana Boat Aloe Vera Sun Burn Relief Gel, 16-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 3) Discount?
Fast delivery. I have used this Gel for years. Nothing like it. It works great, and the price is right.
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