I love this product! I have used it for a while and it always seems to get me the tannest. I also think buying two bottles at once is so worth it!! I wouldn't buy anything else.

I used this lotion yesterday for the 1st time. I find it to be a good lotion, the tingle is not extreme as I was looking for, but the scent is pleasant and the lotion while having a bronzer is white which is nice .
I am getting a good boost in color but little redness and intensity with the tingle .
I have tried and did not like Insanely Black, I have enjoyed the original Bombshell and find this comparable in intensity with the tingle factor.
Overall a good lotion and priced reasonably
Buy LOT of 2- 2012 Designer Skin Modern Bombshell 300xx Ultimate Sizzle Complex Tanning Lotion 13.5 Oz. Now
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