Badger SPF34 Sunscreen (2.9 oz) and Badger SPF 35 Sport Sunscreen Face Stick (.65 oz) combo pack

Badger SPF34 Sunscreen and Badger SPF 35 Sport Sunscreen Face Stick combo packWe generally like Badger sunscreens when we have used them in New England.

They are a bit hard to rub in, and if you have brown skin, you end up looking purple/white where the lotion is, but

we haven't minded that too much (could be a problem if you are conscious about looking fantastic on the beach).

But we don't think that it worked too well in the summer Australian sun, which is quite brutal.It wasn't a total disaster-it did offer some protection -but did not work as well as we had hoped. Not sure why. We applied it thickly and often.

Some folks have commented on the smell, I think it's fine.It's not roses, but it's not offensive either.:)

Buy Badger SPF34 Sunscreen (2.9 oz) and Badger SPF 35 Sport Sunscreen Face Stick (.65 oz) combo pack Now


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