Was dismayed when I found a lot of negative reaction to this on the web. Then I realized that most of the "doesn't work" comments I read are in the 20-39 year old range. Could be this isn't a one size fits all kind of thing. I'm 46 and have had acne my whole life. The Elizabeth Arden and Olay Pro X lines recommended by other users caused huge breakouts for me and did nothing for the dry spots except make them slippery and red.
Re: complaints on "matte finish" to skin as someone who has had really oily skin for 30+ years, I loved the smooth finish.It didn't require anything special to get my foundation to look great and my eye makeup actually stayed better.And I didn't have the after make-up sheen caused by other moisturizers.
Re: need to use a lot of the daily moiturizer I used very little of the daily and it worked fine.No grease like feel and it absorbed quickly.Could be that if your skin is a little dryer you would need another product.
Re: eye cream made me breakout many of the reviews I read about this said they used their fingers to apply instead of the attached applicator.The applicator helps control the amount you use plus it keeps finger oils from blending with the product.Many high-end eye creams come with applicators.If you don't use it you could overapply the product causing irritation or transfer something from your fingers to the cream.I know I've done this myself.So I recommend using the applicator.I used it at night and in the morning and didn't have any irritation or puffiness.
It doesn't take a heavy application to get this line to work so I'd say if you are seeing irritation or need to use quite a bit to get the skin texture you want, this isn't the right product for you.
I would recommend it to someone my age or older and I will continue to use it.
A little background: I'm 45+, dry, hormonal skin, I'd been using Olay's Regenerist and Total Effects lines as my core skincare line, along with a couple items from other brands thrown in for quite awhile, but I'd hit a point where they weren't working so well for me.
First off, it's hard to tell the sizes of the items in this starter kit from the photo:The SPF 30 Lotion is 1 ounce, the Day/Night Cream is ½ ounce, and the Eye Cream is 0.33 ounce.
While I like this kit, I think the POWERHOUSE of the Youth Code line is the Serum Intense, which is a separate purchase ---L'Oreal Paris Youth Code Regenerating Skincare Serum Intense Daily Treatment, 1-Fluid Ounce--I've written a separate review for the serum.
SPF 30 Day Lotion:This I will reorder.While it is a chemical sunscreen, not a physical such as zinc oxide, it's pleasant to use, applies like a lotion so there's no tugging, and keeps me from burning.I don't like the slight perfume scent, and it feels a little tacky/sticky for about an hour.However, your make-up applies well over it, almost seems like a primer, but it's not.
Day/Night Cream:Will not reorder separately.I have dry skin, but this feels sticky for hours and I think it really doesn't do all that much.The description says it repairs and illuminates.I haven't noticed any differences in my skin.This has the same perfume scent as the Day Lotion.
Eye Cream:I will reorder this.The tube has a metal tip which feels cold and really nice against your under-eye area.The coldness is supposed to help with bags and puffyness but I have neither so I can't attest that it works.I love the cold feel of the metal against my skin.I was using another brand serum before this (Isomers Fast Lift Eye Serum) and this eye cream seems to help more with small wrinkles and illumination.I don't notice any perfume scent with this.
I recommend if you have a tight budget that you start out with the Serum Intense, as it has 10 times more active ingredients than the Daily Lotion (but no SPF in the serum).I started out with the serum a few weeks ahead of this kit, and saw almost immediate results with the serum, not many results with this kit, but these items are still needed to fight the aging process.If you can swing both, order them both.The containers look nice sitting on the bathroom counter, they match and look a little contemporary black and silver.
Buy L'Oreal Paris Youth Code Regenerating Skincare Kit (Day Lotion, Day/Night Cream, Eye Cream) Now
()Having reached my mid-40s, I've become somewhat obsessed with undoing the damage to my skin caused by a couple of decades suntanning, sleeping in makeup, and skipping the moisturizer. As part of my efforts, I'd had a glycolic peel which had produced amazing results. I've also become religious about daily cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and every week I get a facial. The result was that my skin had been looking better lately than it had in YEARS.Then I tried this stuff. I did not change anything else in my skincare routine; I simply used this daily moisturizer, night cream and eye cream in place of the Olay Pro products I'd run out of. Three days into it, I started to break out. Every woman knows those things can happen with hormone fluctuations, stress, eating the wrong stuff or, heck, just because the planets got out of alignment. (Kidding.) So I kept using Youth Code... and I kept breaking out, particularly on my nose. Meanwhile, I thought the skin under my eyes was looking less hydrated but I also wondered if my frustration over my breakouts might have made me more critical of the product.
When I went for my weekly facial, my aesthetician just about blew her top. Not only were my pores clogged again (hence the nose zits) but she confirmed that the area under my eyes looked more crepey. So I'm not using this product anymore, and now I'm looking at a couple of weeks working on unplugging my pores and calming my skin again.
I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
()The package of this product screams "SUPER SCIENCE!" but in reality the contents are far more tame.The Youth Code set contains three items: a generous sized moisturizer with SPF, a small tube of eye cream, and a pot of heavy morning/evening cream.I can already tell that I'm going to go through the pot of cream very quickly; I can't eyeball how much is left of the eye cream but I suspect it will be equally short lived.I'll review each of the products individually and then as a group.
The moisturizer with SPF: This is a very light and clean feeling moisturizer.It goes on easily and disappears quickly; two small pumps were enough to cover my whole face.It makes an excellent base for foundations and other make-up.I rate this piece 5 stars.
The under-eye cream: The tube this comes in looks very odd, almost obscene-but it works well and after a week of applications I can put it on very quickly, with just two swipes.It's heavier than the moisturizer, and I also noted that after I got home from my in-laws house, whose dog I am allergic to, my skin was a little raw and the eye cream actually burned for about 20 seconds.Unpleasant.
The pot of lotion: Very nice texture, feels almost whipped.Sinks in quickly, leaves face feeling fresh rather than sticky.In terms of heavy lotions this could easily go up against the department store creams I've purchased in the past and is much more reasonable in price!Again, some pain when applied to very sensitive or mildly irritated skin.
As a set, these lotions work fine, but they'd work equally well separately.I'd be tempted to just continue with the light SPF lotion and save the pot for when my skin needs some real help, like after being out in the snow.In terms of anti-aging, I have a few small areas of concern and I did not notice anything above and beyond the usual plumping associated with adding a nice quality lotion to my face; but I don't have fine lines, so I can't speak to that.I suspect that all the SUPER SCIENCE here is just another fancy way to sell what is quite simply a fine lotion.No miracles, but I can't say I was disappointed.
()This set comes with 3 separate moisturizers:A day moisturizer, an eye cream, and an overnight moisturizer.
The day moisturizer was lightweight and, frankly, a little light in the contents department.The other 2 bottles in this set have the ounces labeled, but this one does not, and I found it ran out very quickly.The inner container is white to make it look like it's full, but I suspect it may not be.Further, with absolutely every other moisturizer I have used, I use a significant amount for a few days but then can start to use less of it as my skin adapts to the moisture.Not with Youth Code!I have to use a ton of it, especially of the day moisturizer.The overall moisture level is not great, at least not for the hype and the price.With this particular bottle, I got about the equivalent moisturizing as the lower price popular drug store brands, but without any exfoliation to speak of.Other brands usually help slough off old skin cells, but I did not get that with Youth Code.I personally would use the day Youth Code brand as a secondary moisturizer for times when I end up washing my face in the middle of the day and need something quick and light.
UPDATE:I wanted to mention that I went back to using the day moisturizer a few weeks later to give it another chance.I noticed that after about 5 minutes of applying it, I had to apply more because it just didn't slough off any dry skin or moisturize properly.A second application made my face really greasy after an hour or so, though, and I noticed a significant patchiness and uneven color to my skin.Definitely not impressed with the day moisturizer.
The eye moisturizer didn't do a thing except sting a little and make one small section of my under-eye area puffy.The applicator was useless, but I don't mind using my fingers to apply it.As I said, once it's applied it stings a little, and there is a small oval under-eye area near the bridge of my nose that puffs up after it's applied.I have had similar puffiness with other brands so this was not surprising, and the good news is that it puffed my skin up less than other brands and the puffiness goes away after about 10 minutes.If I only use it about twice a week, I do notice some slight softening of the skin under the eyes, so it appears to moisturize as advertised.Again, though, neither wrinkles nor eye circles were affected by this product.I will still use it twice a week for softness, though.
The nighttime cream (called the day/night cream because it can be used for both) is best used as an overnight cream put on just before bed, but I've used it both ways.The first 2 nights I used it, white chunks sloughed off my face, and I've found a few gummy bits in the tub.I don't believe it was exfoliation, but instead from the lip of the tub where the moisturizer was exposed to air and dried a little in the cold during mailing; if you buy this in a store, you probably have nothing to worry about.I started using this one twice a day after the day moisturizer just didn't do anything for me.This day/night moisturizer is thicker but, again, I had to use quite a bit of it.While it seemed to work at first, within an hour my face would be dry again.I would put this on and then about half an hour later go to put makeup on and need more because of some dry patches on the skin.The scent of all these products is pleasant and relatively mild, although the tub of day/night moisturizer smells a little like glue.
UPDATE:When my second try at the day moisturizer didn't pan out, I started using the day/night cream once a day in the morning.It actually worked really well, with significant moisturizing that lasted several hours.I only used it once a day which still gave significant benefit.The scent, though, is really unfortunate.It is just like glue, and I don't think I could use this all the time because of the scent.
I was so sure that I just hadn't given this enough time, which is why I went back and tried the day/night and day moisturizers again, but after all that, I pretty much give up.I am going back to my usual department store brand, which of course I can't name, but to compare price note that a tub of it the same size as the day/night Youth Code is just under $20 and performs exponentially better.There was no difference in wrinkles, age spots, or anything else that would make my skin look "younger."For the price, you're not getting anything with Youth Code that you can't get with a lower cost general moisturizer at your favorite drug store.
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