Pond's Clarant B3: Dry Skin 7 OZ

Pond's Clarant B3: Dry Skin 7 OZI am not one to waste time writing reviews however this product deserves one. First i'll give you some background: I Have bad acne dark scars all over my face from previous pimples and blackheads. Bad meaning that i will not dare step foot out of my house without make up on. I have indian brown skin that is normal-dry depending on weather. I needed a product that could base for makeup, provide moisture for my face, and correct dark spots/improve skin overall. Before using this, my face was rough (even when using Fruit Garnier's dark spot corrector which stopped working like halfway through the tube) with dark noticable marks. About two weeks into this and my skin is super smooth, my foundation glides right over this, and i can actually see my dark marks fading. I can say that now i am wearing much less make up and i feel much more confident! Im not saying that this clearned everything and my skin is perfect, but in less than a month i see good improvement. Furthermore, this is a great product considering that a jar can last for about 6 months. At first it caused pimples, but i decided to stick it out because i have heard so many good things about it-and man i am so glad i did. I am sure this progress will continue because my skin literally feels better ever time i use this baby! Its the perfect non-heavy moisture that my face needed, and the kick-butt dark spot correcting too!

this product is excellent . while watching Dr. OZ, he mentioned that all skin needs to look healthier ,more radiant is vitamin B's especiall vitamin B3. check out Oil of Olay they also have this ingredient in their products but ponds is less expensive and feels great on your skin.it absorbs very well andyou get more for your money.

Buy Pond's Clarant B3: Dry Skin 7 OZ Now

my wife loves Pond they make Excellent products, and great for your skin, she just made me purchase another set....

Excellent quality recommend 5 stars

Read Best Reviews of Pond's Clarant B3: Dry Skin 7 OZ Here

This product worked so well with my skin !! my skin is sensitive to everything and leaves somespots after acne. I started using this cream two weeks ago and my skin is clearing up, it also does not leave my skin oily which is a plus!, For best results I used a Biore face wash when I wake up and before bed, then I applied the cream!. Ponds clarant is five stars worth

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I could really see visible difference in look and feel of my skin just after 1 week.I intend to keep using it till the dark spots on my back are all cleared; I use it for my face and neck too. Great Product and arrived early enough

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