AFIRM 1x .15% Retinol 1.05oz

AFIRM 1x .15% Retinol 1.05ozThis formula is great for my sensitive skin it's caused hardly any irritation, and I am slowly but surely starting to see the color and texture of my skin getting more evened-out.I am a big fan of this product line because they actually tell you how much retinol is in each formulation, and because it doesn't contain any extra fragrances or other trendy-gimmicky ingredients that might cause irritation on their own.However, if you do not have super-sensitive skin and can endure a couple of days of mild irritation, I think you could probably save the cost of a tube of this and skip directly to the 2x formulation.

I am 24 and I am starting to see small signs of age due to my excessive tanning over the years. I had some small wrinkles and discoloration that bothered me. I starting using Afirm 1x because of the recommendation to start with the lowest dose of retinol; this was about two weeks ago and I am extremely pleased. My skin tone is more even than I've ever seen it, my fine lines have almost disappeared completely and my acne is in check (for once!). I have been staying out of the sun, as directed, and will continue to do so. I recommend this product to anyone looking to start an anti-aging treatment. As I get older, I will start to use the stronger formulas, and hopefully will have the same fantastic results.

Buy AFIRM 1x .15% Retinol 1.05oz Now


I was on a pill form of birth-control + I was sad + stressed.. = that ish..effed me up hard!!!! (plus i noticed lactose products were causing my skin to break out too) soooooooooooo u can only IMAGINE how my face looked.

Lets just say my skin got cray-ziiieeeeeeee! If you want pics, email me. It was nuts.

I finally got off the pill, dealt with my stress, put all the sadness to the side, reduced lactose intake and skin started clearing up. But then i was left with all these red/brown spots, and scars..and bunch of bull from my acne.

I tried this cream...and till today I'm still seeing how its been helping my skin. Its not an over night thing, you gotta use this product for a least six months to see a COMPLETE turn over. Ive been using it for maybe 3 months, every day @ night...and to be honest I'm really grateful to have my skin under control for once in a long time.

My results: I break out less, a lot less.

I see my pores get smaller, and smaller.

My skin has a bit of a glow to it.

I'm actually not as shy about going out without make up..(If that doesn't say it helps then I don't know what will)

Some of those stubborn marks are still there, but are beginning to diminish. WOOOOP WOOOP!

My scars are turning over into new skin, little by little..keep in mind im using the lowest dosage of Retinol. Which is Affirm 1x

I'm writing this review, cuz I just want to be real with everyone who is looking for a solution. I understand what its like. I get it, believe me. I know you want to give up. Don't.

This product is good for those of you who are looking to help out your skin in a renewal process , it should help your skin break out less ..repairs the damage, and clean deep into the pores.

Warning: my skin did purge. so expect that. Its just pushing everything that's deep within, OUT. So ya...and my skin still going through that...a lil bit more to go and I'll be good :)

Stay hopeful! This crap does end..and it will faster if you calm down, relax, drink water, get more intake of vitamin A, C + H20 and get some sun. Let your skin breath a little. Don't be ashamed of your skin....your not helping its self-esteem hahaha. (for real..)

I'm gonna move up to 2x. Cuz i'm almost done with my bottle, I'm sure I'll get even better results.

And eat healthier....PEACE !

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