Gave it one more shot, reapplying all the time, and still got burned. Not an all over burn either, but a splotchy, bizarre burn (that will of course turn into a splotchy, bizarre tan). It looked like my bikini was glowing red while I was wearing it. I think this is because my wet swimsuit was washing it off, even after reapplying after dipping in the pool. Also, I have nice splotchy spots in the small of by back and in the creases of my elbows! This is most likely due to sweat washing it off. It also says to reapply after sweating. Really? REALLY? I am supposed to reapply every what, 15 minutes? It's hot! I'm going to sweat! It says sweat resistant! Goodness.
If you don't burn easily, go for it I guess. It at least smells really nice and blends in quickly. Just be careful!
Also, sunscreen expires. Keep that in mind when buying it online (especially since BBW didn't seem to make it this year, so any online are going to be about a year old).A friend and I have used this product since it was introduced at Bath & Body Works.
We always had to anticipate when they would have it in stock, as it would sell out and they would not restock it during the Spring, Summer season--which made no sense to us at all!When I checked this February before going on s trip South, I was told that they had NONE, and it was no longer going to be carried.That's when I turned to Amazon and found a new supplier.I'm so happy to be able to still get this product.It is so perfect.Doesn't smell, works so very well, and I'll continue to use it as long as I can get it.In short, It's Fantastic.
Pleasantly scented and highly effective, but cannot find it on the shelf or online. I would give it five stars if it were dependably available.
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