Hawaiian Tropic Ozone Ultimate Continuous Spray Sunscreen Spf 80, 6-Ounces (Pack of 2)

Hawaiian Tropic Ozone Ultimate Continuous Spray Sunscreen  Spf 80, 6-Ounces5 hours unshaded on a fishing boat in the FL Keys and this sunscreen worked like a charm!We didn't even need to reapply, except to hit a few spots that we missed the first time around.Great sunscreen, and the continuous spray is a fantastic feature you can turn the bottle upside down and hit those tough spots on your back.Great product, highly recommended.

Many people just don't realize how easy it is to spoil a Caribbean getaway by getting totally burned within mere 10 (TEN!) minutes under the tropical sun.

This spray protects the skin perfectly well PLUS it is water resistant a win-win product!

80% SPF is just right. 100% is probably too much, but I wouldn't go under 80.

Buy it.

Buy Hawaiian Tropic Ozone Ultimate Continuous Spray Sunscreen Spf 80, 6-Ounces (Pack of 2) Now


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