It is WAY more than tolerable, it's the best stuff EVER, no joke!I have very fair skin (red hair, blue eyes) and I never tan.Just burn and peel.Plus I'm at the age where I don't want to sit in the sun in hopes of keeping wrinkles at bay.But I would like some color on me, it hides a lot of imperfections and just makes you feel healthier (I know, it makes no sense, but whatever).
This arrived last week and I used it immediately.The best thing is, it does NOT STINK.It smells pleasant going on.The next is, it is dark like chocolate, so you can see where you're putting it so you don't miss anything.The third thing, it doesn't streak.If you aren't careful about blending, it doesn't look obvious like other tanners.My skin right now looks like I've spent days surfing and sunning (except without the skin cancer and wrinkles).EVERYONE is commenting on it and wanting to know what I'm using.It lasts about 2 days and is very easy to apply.I wear gloves because the palms of my hands were a dark chocolate brown after I applied it the first time and it took awhile for me to get them back to normal.There is nothing I dislike about this stuff.I also have VERY sensitive skin, everything makes me break out in some disgusting, itchy rash no problems at all with SUN.Love it, love it, love it.
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