Doc Martins of Maui "Next Gen" Sunblock SPF 36

Doc Martin's of Maui Original SunscreenOk, I'll admit to a bit of bias since I am from the same place where Doc Martin's is made, but after many years of living under the Hawaiian sun and spending several hours each day working outside and/or playing in the ocean, I absolutely swear by this stuff.I put about a dime-size squeeze on my face and ears before a long surf or paddle session and it does the job for hours without wearing off.The "6-hour protection" claim is definitely legit.Plus, it doesn't give you a "whiteface" that is hard to wash off like some of the other, more well-known, more expansive brands like Vertra.Doc Martin's seems to wash off fine at the end of the day, and doesn't leave me with clogged pores like some of the cheaper face protectants.

Also, it is a great value if used on just on the face and ears a tube will last me a couple or three months w/ daily usage.If you use for the entire body you might run through a tube pretty quick, but hey it's a small price to pay to protect your skin from the ravages of the sun!

Doc Martin's is a fantastic product, I swear by it and so do several of my friends.

This is the best sun screen in the market. If you are a waterman or spend lots of time in the sun this the best product made.

Made by a dermatology Dr who is also a waterman. Does not burn you eyes. Since I have used this product my derm appointments fir skin treatments have reduced enormously.

I thank Dr Martin every time I'm in the sun.

Buy Doc Martins of Maui "Next Gen" Sunblock SPF 36 Now

My skin is fair and I never burn using this product. I can also use Doc Martins of Maui on my face. I realize it is expensive but worth every penny.Make sure when you put in on to place a small amount on your hands, then rub your hands together to soften to a gel like consistency and then apply on your skin.

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