Discovered this product on vacation in Hawaii.Got a little burned on the beach and stopped in a store to get some aloe.The clerk recommended this and said it was "really good stuff".Got back to the hotel and applied it.It felt cool and soothing just like aloe but without the sticky, tight feeling when it dries.Later that night, my skin noticeably went from red to tan.It was like magic!The label does not lie, you really go from burn to brown.No pain, great smell, and it even delayed peeling.The label says you can use it to treat burns, jellyfish stings, or just as a skin moisturizer.This is "really good stuff" and works way better than just regular aloe vera.

better than aloe vera, but the shipping price is ridiculous.Have someone who is vacationing in Hawaii go to the ABC store and buy it for you. It's only 9.00 there. Great stuff though!!!
Buy Hawaii Maui Island Secret Burn To Brown Formula 8 oz. Now
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