Ocean Potion Suncare Anti-Aging Quick Dry Sunscreen SPF 30 -- 8 fl oz

Ocean Potion Suncare Anti-Aging Quick Dry Sunscreen SPF 30 -- 8 fl ozI purchased this product for my mother and brother because they went to Jamaica a few weeks ago and they are very light skinned and don't really get a suntan at all and I did not want them to get a nasty sunburn being in Jamaica in the summer.The sun is extremely strong there, especially since it is near the equator.

Anyway they used it and did not get a sunburn and they did get some color from being in the sun.There was one problem though.There is an ingredient in this Ocean Potion Anti-Aging SPF 30 lotion. It is one of the sunscreen ingredients called " Avobenzone ".

If you don't let the lotion completely dry before putting on your clothes OR if you sweat while you are wearing the lotion, that ingredient ( Avobenzone ) will turn your clothes orange in spots where the clothes touch the skin where it is wet from sweating, especially if the clothes are cotton and light colored or white.

Here is what I found out about it on Google...

" For some reason, depending on where you live, (because of the differences in the water of different regions) Avobenzone can cause a yellow discoloration on white cotton clothing. "

This happened to 3 of my mom's blouses and 4 of my brothers T-shirts and a dress shirt.

I was able to get the " stains" out from using a laundry spot pre-treater and then also I soaked them in the washing machine in hot water with a few scoops of OXYCLEAN and I let the washing machine run for 2 minutes to get a lather going and then I stopped it and I let the clothes sit in the washing machine with Oxyclean overnight.Then the next morning ( 8 hours of soaking ) I added laundry detergent ( the brand " ALL " ) and let the washing cycle continue and finish and then I put the clothes in the dryer and the stains were gone.

If you don't have Oxyclean, I am sure that almost any good, name brand laundry detergent, like " Tide, Purex, Cheer, Wisk or ALL ", would help if you used them to pre-treat the orange areas, rub it in, and then put the clothes in the washing machine with a capful or 2 of the same laundry detergent.Fill the washing machine with hot water and let it run for a few minutes to work up a lather then turn it off and let soak over night and you should get the same results I had from using Oxyclean.

So be careful when using this product.Make sure it is completely dry on your skin before you put your clothes on and if you start to sweat, well I guess you will just have to take a chance. At least now you know there is a way to get rid of the orange stains off a cotton white or light colored shirt.The orange spots were on the parts of the shirts on the shoulders,the elbow areas, and parts of the front of the shirt that hit the stomach area,

Other than the orange issue, this product works great as far as protecting peoples skin from getting a sunburn.

Thanks for reading this.Have a great summer !



As a a fair skinned red head, with a heavily-tattooed spouse, we've tried everything to keep from getting sunburnt. I found this last summer, and it works the best. Smells delicious (like an orange creamsicle) and stays on. The only places I have gotten burned since discovering it were places I hadn't put the sunscreen. It is not easy to find, so stock up when you can. It's well worth it.

Buy Ocean Potion Suncare Anti-Aging Quick Dry Sunscreen SPF 30 -- 8 fl oz Now

Excellent product.we were in Maui and found out from the scuba instructor the lotion is better than the spray.It will deteriorate the rubber on their equipment (goggles).My wife had a new bathing suit and noticed that it began to deteriorate in spots. they told us it was being effectied by the spray. we have switched to the lotion. Putz

Read Best Reviews of Ocean Potion Suncare Anti-Aging Quick Dry Sunscreen SPF 30 -- 8 fl oz Here

I ordered this off Amazon when I couldn't find it again, at least this year, in the store. It's my favorite suntan lotiion for 3 reasons.It works well for sun protection, it smells great, and it's a nice creamy, non-oily moisturizer.I even use it in the winter on my arms and legs when my skin gets dry.I highly recommend this lotion.

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In my opinion this is the best 30 SPF sunblock out there. It is particularly outstanding in that it stings one's eyes a couple of hours after using it much, much less than other sunblocks tried. Let me add, however, that the 50 SPF Ocean Potion Sunblock does sting the eyes. Although not as important as the stinging issue, the 30 SPF sunblock also seems to be absorbed well by the skin. I often put it on in two thin layers about 20 minutes apart to limit the "goop factor", common with virtually all sunblocks. I had never used this sunblock before my wife brought some home from a Big Lots store. Run-of-the-mill stores do not seem to stock it. Fortunately, Amazon does. I do recommend 30 SPF Ocean Potion Sunblock.

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