Murad Oil-Control Mattifier SPF 15 Facial Treatment Products

Murad Oil-Control Mattifier SPF 15 1.7 ozMy skin is super oily, I could easily start my own 'organic' brand of cooking oil.With all the positive reviews I was really hopeful that this product would work, but unfortunately it fell short of my expectations.Before I bought this product I'd go through approximately 6 oil absorbing sheets a day by the time my work day was over. Now I go through about 4.It does make a difference, but not enough to justify paying almost $40 for.

I got this as a sample from sephora. it said, murad oil control moisture/mattifier/spf. I used my sample on a whim when my regual moisturizer ran out one day, I was hesitant because of the gluey texture because I am acne prone but it turns out........... I loved it! My makeup went on smoothly, as if i had used a primer, with a matte finish, and no more shiny face. I usually have an oily face and smudgy makeup by noon but not anymore, not with this lotion. I went out and bought this product the next day. I feel like this product found me. Skin saver!

Buy Murad Oil-Control Mattifier SPF 15 Facial Treatment Products Now

I have VERY oily skin, especially on my face.I could not even make it half-way through a day without my face getting super shiny and my make-up getting smudged because of all of the oil build-up.I tried many different face washes and moisturizers that were supposed to reduce oil on my face and nothing has ever worked.After reading reviews on this product, I decided to give it a try.I usually would never spend this much money on such a product, but I was desperate.Well, this little tube is a miracle worker.The oil production on my face SIGNIFICANTLY decreases when I use this and my make-up stays fresh and smudge-free all day!My face still does get a little bit of a shine to it throughout the day, but not enough for it to be bothersome or uncomfortable.I HIGHLY recommend this product to anyone who battles oily skin because it definitely works!

How to use it:

I find it works best on clean skin, so put it on immediately after you wash your face.A little bit goes a long way so be conservative with it.Some reviews recommend that you first moisturize and then apply the mattifier, but I tried this and it did not work--I still got very oily skin.So I recommend that you do not moisturize when using this product (save moisturizing your face for right before you go to bed at night).For a fresh, even look, apply a foundation afterwards.I recommend the Neutrogena Translucent Oil-Control Powder for further oil control.

Using this product has also significantly decreased my acne.I never had a lot to begin with, but my skin is virtually pimple-free now.If you decide to try this product out, I hope it works as well for you as it does for me!

Read Best Reviews of Murad Oil-Control Mattifier SPF 15 Facial Treatment Products Here

I have extremely oily and sensitive skin. No dermatologist has ever been able to give me a product that controls the oil without irritating and drying out my skin. This product is a godsend. I use it once or twice a day depending on how oily my skin gets. Not only does it control oil for hours, it cleared my acne completely. I never expected this product to do that. My skin is clear, hydrated and has a healthy amount of oil.

Want Murad Oil-Control Mattifier SPF 15 Facial Treatment Products Discount?

I was a little unsure about buying this product because I have acne prone skin, but now I am a believer! This lotion keeps my face matt for hours and my skin is starting to look better and more even. I would definitely try it!

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