Baby Blanket SunBlankie Sunscreen Towelette for Babies, SPF 45+ - 1 ea

Baby Blanket SunBlankie Sunscreen Towelette for Babies, SPF 45+ - 1 eaI buy these by the six-pack, not the singles. I didn't see six packs on here.When our Babies 'R Us informed me in late June that they weren't going to be receiving anymore, because they had fall stuff coming in (ridiculous for a one-time-use, summer essential), I just had to find it online because sunscreen from the bottle was just not as efficient, especially with a squirmy toddler. Here's a BONUS TIP, after I put the sunscreen on my toddler, I use the towelette on my face and then to put on the rest of my sunscreen because it is less messy that way.I even use less when I use this method, saving me money.


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