Blue Lizard Blue Lizard Australian Sensitive Sunscreen Spf 30 Plus

Blue Lizard Sunscreen Sensitive chemical frr, Fragrance free, SPF 30+, 3fl.ozLike many others, I have been searching for a zinc oxide/titanium dioxide sunscreen that rubs in easily, doesn't leave a heavy white residue, is not greasy, contains no fragrance, doesn't sting my eyes during sports, and really offers great sun protection.Wow, for me, this product meets all of these criteria and I really loved it.I was about to order more on Amazon when I discovered that Blue Lizard sunblocks all contain parabens (actually three different parabens) which essentially are preservatives used in the cosmetic industry.One of the safety concerns is that parabens mimic estrogen in the body and could disrupt hormone activity.I suppose this could be more of a concern for children, adolescents, pregnant women and men (I'm none of the above) but I don't want to take the risk. More and more companies are dropping parabens from their products.It may be one thing to put on a touch of eye shadow with parabens, but I spread this sunscreen liberally over my entire body.So the search goes on.

EDIT dated 4/27/12

There were a few comments on the above review.One person said that she was confused because Blue Lizard advertises that their products contain no parabens.Another said he/she ordered the 5 oz. Blue Lizard Sensitive and it said on the label that it contained no parabens.I recently purchased the 3oz. Sensitive because the Amazon description listed the ingredients and parabens were not included.When I received the product, the package clearly stated it contained three separate parabens. The product was not expired, however. (As always, it was Amazon fulfilled so free shipping return and credit for product.)This is all very confusing but what it does highlight is that the Amazon photos and descriptions (of all their products, not just sunscreens) are not necessarily correct.I've run into this problem on more than one occasion. Here's what I believe is going on.Originally, all Blue Lizard Sunscreens contained parabens.In 2010 the company said it was eliminating them from the "Face" product.This year they announced they would be removing parabens from all products. Apparently Amazon or their vendors are shipping their inventories of the older products with parabens although Amazon is describing the product as paraben free.It also appears that some vendors are shipping the newer product (see comment about the 5 oz sensitive) although the Amazon description does not describe it as paraben free. I guess it is a crap shoot.

EDIT dated 6/11/12

I finally got a response from the folks who manufacture Blue Lizard about the paraben issues.Here is what they said:

"Our Blue Lizard Face, Sensitive, and Baby formulas are now paraben free. We are updating our website but in the meantime the old formula is still in circulation through many websites and retail stores. When ordering from any website other than ours you will need to ask them to see which formula they have in stock. All Face, Sensitive, and Baby in our warehouse are the new paraben free formulas. Blue Lizard sunscreens have a three year expiration on them so the old formula could be around at least that long if not sold through since we released our last batches earlier this year. I have attached the new ingredients for you to look at."

The problem is, the Amazon descriptions and photos of the product are not always accurate; there is essentially no way to contact Amazon or the merchant vendors to ask whether they are shipping the paraben free version or not.So without more accurate descriptions, the only way to be sure you get a paraben free version of the face, baby or sensitive formulas is to order from the mfgr. or buy retail where you can read the label. I received a face formula that was paraben free and a sensitive formula that was not.

I emailed the Blue Lizard folks again and asked where I can buy the product retail.She said that in my area (DC area) it was available in some Bye Bye Baby stores.Drove to one today and sure enough they had Face, Sensitive, and Baby (essentially the same as Sensitive) all paraben free.They have it in 8.75 oz. bottles which I prefer.A little more costly than Amazon's but at least I know I am getting the parben free inventory.

I have tried several "sensitive" sunscreens but they still made me break out and turned my skin sort of leathery.After finding this brand on the Safe Skin Cosmetics Database, and liked it's broad spectrum coverage without chemicals, I decided to plop down more money for yet another sunscreen.I was surprised when this one didn't irritate my skin and actually made my skin softer!

Points to consider:* This sunscreen can be used on the face, as it will change from white to clear after you rub it in.IMPORTANTLY though, in order for this to rub in you have to apply it to DRY SKIN (indicated on the bottle) and don't use too much right away because you will have too much on your face to absorb (this stuff goes a long way)

* It uses a physical barrier to uv light compared to a chemical barrier.You can read about the difference below:

As described by Dr. Leslie Baumann in the textbook Cosmetic Dermatology, there are two different categories of sunscreens: physical sunscreens, which scatter or reflect UV radiation, and chemical sunscreens, which absorb UV radiation and then dissipate the radiation as either heat or light, usually of longer wavelength that does not affect the skin.

Two chemical sunscreens, avobenzone and oxybenzone (the latter present in 20-30% of sunscreens), have been demonstrated by Hayden et. al to be absorbed into the body and secreted into the urine of users. While avobenzone and oxybenzone are not considered to be toxic agents in the medical community, it is still not recommended that sunscreens with avobenzone or oxybenzone are used by pregnant or nursing women nor small children, as they are absorbed into the body. Physical sunscreens, like Blue Lizard Australian Sunscreen Cream SPF 30 with 5.0% Titanium Dioxide and 10.0% Zinc Oxide, are a preferrable option, as they have not been shown to be excreted into the urine.

Buy Blue Lizard Blue Lizard Australian Sensitive Sunscreen Spf 30 Plus Now

Cosmetics database rates this brand very highly for safety, effectiveness at blocking uva rays and keeping stable.That's why I bought it.It goes on thick but not greasy.Also doesn't smell strongly of anything.And the active ingredients actually physically block the bad rays rather than absorbing them so you get much better protection.I used to wonder why the heck I still burned using spf 30+ cheapo sunscreens (thought spf was all I needed to pay attention to turns out you can't rely on that alone)and it must have been the ingredients because with this stuff I don't burn. And a little goes a long way too, so makes the price more bearable.

Read Best Reviews of Blue Lizard Blue Lizard Australian Sensitive Sunscreen Spf 30 Plus Here

My daughter has PMLE (polymorphous light eruption). In other words she's allergic to the sun, when her skin is exposed to the sun she develops blisters and an itchy, mealy red rash within minutes. Fortunately, for her, this is a mild allergy and she is able to go outside ONLY using THIS sunscreen! This is the FIRST sunscreen we have found that actually protects her skin from the sun and gives her the freedom to go out and enjoy a sunny day! Unfortunately, NONE of our local stores carry it and we are forced to order it online. I'm telling you that if you need good sun protection, this is the stuff to use!!

Want Blue Lizard Blue Lizard Australian Sensitive Sunscreen Spf 30 Plus Discount?

My daughter has super sensitive skin.Every other sunscreen I've ever used on her caused her to break out in a horrific rash--even the ones advertised to be "chemical-free" for sensitive skin.Her skin is very light and easily burned, and I was starting to think I was never going to be able to let her go out in the sun.Our pediatrician recommended Blue Lizard becasue its what she uses on her own kids.It's been a life saver.Now my daughter can safely play in the sun without turning into a tomato.

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